Valentine’s Day 5-Day Self-Love Challenge


This is for you if...


  • You feel unclear and scattered at times
  • You aren’t quite sure what’s highest priority for you or have difficulty following it consistently
  •  You want to improve your self-care routines 
  • You feel disconnected and a lack of trust for yourself and others at times
  • You’ve been holding onto past judgments and resentments towards yourself or others


If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, come join us for 5 days. 


If you’d love to feel...


๐Ÿ’—Empowered, Clear, Connected and in Flow 

๐Ÿ’—A new level of energy and fulfillment in your life

๐Ÿ’—Even more love for yourself and others


You’re in the right place. 

I realized in order for us to love ourselves even more, it’s important that we know, like, trust, and respect ourselves. So, each day I’ll offer a tip that I use and focus on daily that helped me love myself at a whole new level.


Your self-worth will expand and you’ll be even more radiant and magnetic for what you want to attract. 

Love, relationships, intimacy, health, financial abundance…you can have whatever you truly desire from a connected place.  

My goal is to make these next few days simple enough for you to implement these tips in just a few minutes a day, while at the same time I wanted to choose topics that are rich enough for you to go as deep as you want, uncovering even more of yourself regardless of your current starting point. 


Sign up above and I will... 


See you on Monday for Day 1.





50% Complete

Two Step

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