Ready to meet your most empowered self?

Come Learn The Secret That Can Change Everything!


The Empowered Living Video Series:

A FREE 3 Part Video Course all about becoming the most Empowered Version of yourself. What do I mean when I say Empowered Living? I mean a state of being where you feel lit up, inspired and unstoppable because you're so in your flow, or what I like to call: A State of Connection.

Want to experience this more often? Find your ease, flow and fulfillment whenever you choose? Need to let go of stress and overwhelm? Desire to bring your gifts to life at a whole new level?

Come spend more time being truly you. Live in your inspiration and purpose even more. The funny thing is you'll be able to make even more money. Have even more time for those you love. And, you'll experience even more vitality.   

Here's What You'll Learn:

Day 1: The 3 Words Keeping You From What You Want

In this video you'll discover the 3 words that are limiting you from being able to achieve the success and fulfillment you've always desired.

You'll learn what my secret is from living in stress to living in my flow and inspired purpose. 

Day 2: How to Create What You Want

Stressed? Stuck? Uninspired? Not reaching your goals fast enough? Break through and learn the 6 achievement archetypes and start creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Integrating the human experience of doing with our human essence of being is KEY to lasting fulfillment!

Day 3: The Fundamental Key to Experiencing More Ease and Fulfillment

Understanding energy and how we use our energy to live in a higher vibration and create an even more empowering and inspiring life.

You'll learn the steps to living in a State of Connection and what patterns cause us to be in a State of Disconnection. You'll have the tools to choose after this video!

"One thing that really separates Laurin from other coaches is how much she cares about the success of her clients and the results theyā€™re getting. She provided insights and strategies that produced immediate results for me."

Mariana Polic
Co-Founder at Family Business Mastery

"When Iā€™m looking for clarity she is absolutely one of my first calls. Sheā€™s so good at setting my mind straight and keeping me on track. I love her and so will you."

Roger Love
#1 Celebrity Vocal Coach, Author, Speaker

"Laurin Seiden is a master expert ninja of personal growth, love and relationships. She is wise beyond her years and embodies greatness. She inspires me, I learn from her all the time, and she adds lots of value to my life."

Mastin Kipp
#1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Life Interventionist

"After just one meditation with Laurin, I got so clear on the type of financial abundance that I wanted to create in my life and in my practice, the next day I had signed two new clients. My work with her has been completely transformative. "

Alexis Artin
Feminine Empowerment

"Laurin has fundamentally and profoundly changed my life. Before I met Laurin, there was so much noise in my brain and noise in my life. I was one of those people who wanted to do everything and accomplish everything, and I wanted to do it all immediately. I didnā€™t have a lot of strategy or structure around it.Ā Laurin came in and she helped me get clear, be in my flow and understand what was the highest priority to me. "

Dr. Taz BhatiaĀ 
Integrative and Functional Medicine

A New Start

Sign up for my FREE Empowered Living Mini Series and take your first step towards living your most empowered life.

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